Ruined is a horror movie comedy podcast hosted by Alison Leiby and Halle Kiefer. Alison is absolutely terrified of horror movies but also dying to know the twist at the end of them (and there’s always a twist), so she usually reads the spoilers online to get all of the info with none of the terror. Halle, on the other hand, is a horror movie aficionado dating back to childhood. From terrifying classics to modern spooks, she has seen and been scared by them all (except for truly bad horror movies, which are ironically her favorite kind).
Each Ruined episode features Halle giving the play-by-play of a popular, classic and/or extremely trashy horror movie to Alison, with the pair adding their own hilarious commentary, offering their personal insights and, at the end, weighing in on whether scaredy cats can actually watch the movie scream-free or if they are right to skip the scares and head right to the online synopsis.
Poster by Vicky Leta. Theme song by Matt Buechele.